Hi friend,


I am so happy to be back in your inbox with a money love letter. I come with frustration and sadness, yet a whole lot of love for my queer siblings because this is quite a time for us.


This year, over 500+ anti-trans bills have been introduced in 49 states. 79 of those bills, have passed. 


This is unacceptable. 


A part of me wants to point my fingers and blame the republicans but really, it's not all on them.


It is on us, too.


I think we can get caught up on the harm being done. I certainly have.


AND. We need to move forward with what comes next: 


action. solidarity. transformation. repair. healing. liberation.


As I close my eyes and reflect on the roots of pride, I remember that pride was a riot.


Our ancestors fought for us to have freedom. The freedom to be who we are and love who we love.


This responsibility is not just on our cishet allies, either. We NEED you more than ever, yes, that is true. However, this is a shared and sacred responsibility of the collective.


A friend of mine, Aaliyah, said to me, “We need the world to be more human.” I felt that in my bones. All of this anti-trans legislation is rooted in not seeing our own humanity.


Because when we do not see our own humanity, we cannot see the humanity of others.


Hatred towards others is possible because of the hatred that is carried within ourselves.


We do need the world to be more human. 


We need to put our money where our heart is.


Our actions where our heart is.


It might look like hate is winning, but time and time again we have seen that love always wins.


Nicole of Anti Racism Daily said, “LGBTQ+ communities deserve not only to be celebrated but protected.” 


This Pride month (and beyond)…I invite you to reflect on how you are showing up (or NOT showing up) for the queer community. 


How are you celebrating AND protecting us?


If you don't know where to start, here are some resources:


These workshops by Schuyler Bailar are a great place to ground in your activism and ally ship.


You can put your money where your heart is with the following organizations that need your support:

You can use your voice and speak out towards these hateful bills and anti trans/queer rhetoric. Sometimes, it IS about having those uncomfortable and difficult conversations with the people you love.


And if you're feeling like all of the above efforts do not make a difference, I promise you…


It does.


For those that are on my newsletter, whether you've been here from the beginning or you're new:


My Gold Standard is a queer and trans owned business. It breaks my heart to see that this world wants to erase me and my queer and trans siblings. But I refuse to let this hatred seep into the deepest parts of me. I refuse to hide, or make myself small. I am here and queer, and I want to show my trans and queer siblings, whom I absolutely love and adore unconditionally, that you have a place here. You are worthy of love and protection. You are worthy of acceptance for who you are and who you love. I say these words to you, because these are the same exact words I need to hear myself, too. I love you.


I won't stop fighting for us until we are all free.


Until next time, friends.


Stay Shiny,
