When it comes to building financial resiliency in our lives, we think we have to do it alone.


I get it. Investing in support, or even receiving support [period] can feel so vulnerable.


For so long, I spent countless hours budgeting endlessly and aggressively trying to pay off debt only to find myself overwhelmed and stressed out over why I was having such a hard time figuring out how to reach my own financial goals.


To some extent, I did figure it out on my own. I began saving, the credit card debt went down, and I was able to somewhat budget with clarity.


However, I always had this voice inside of me that yearned for more. The “work” I was doing was without a spiritual practice and that was what I was missing on my own financial journey.


I realized that I needed to marry both financial literacy AND spirituality if I wanted to embody true financial liberation.


Because no matter how much money I had in the bank, it never felt enough.


Because I paid off credit card debt and instead of it feeling like a celebration, I felt empty.


Because I worked for places and people whom were poisonous to my spirit and the collective's spirit, but I was too afraid to leave because I relied on them for ‘financial security’.


Because for so long, I believed you had to work hard and hustle in order to “earn” financial peace and prosperity.


Because I repeated an ancestral wound over and over again by martyring myself through pouring from an empty cup.


So I created My Gold Standard. Not just for me, but for us.


Money is energy. It has a spirit. Of course it does. We are spiritual beings and money was created from us. Even our businesses have a spirit.


THIS is why I marry the spiritual and the educational when it comes to building wealth.


And through My Gold Standard's container, we get to do that together.


This is an invitation to…


✨ transform shame, guilt, and fear into radical self compassion and acceptance. you will understand that shame, guilt, and fear do not disappear, but you are able to build resiliency around it.


✨ spend a lot less money on things that don’t matter to you.


✨ start saying no more.


✨ take up more space by advocating for yourself and setting loving and supportive boundaries: whether it be raising your rates, asking for a promotion, quitting a job, and/or even taking a sabbatical to figure out what you want and need.


✨ reflect on how many experiences you *need* to have in order for it to be enough. Because even though you *have* the money to spend, doesn’t mean you *should* spend it.


✨ review your budget every week


✨ reflect on your spending every week


✨ go from a consumer mindset to an investor mindset with the awareness that investor does not just been investing in the stock market. it also means investing in yourself, your community, and our shared home: mother earth.


✨ learn and cultivate awareness around the way the system is set up: to manipulate you as a consumer and make you believe you are lacking. you will also explore and challenge the idea of scarcity, and how scarcity has been used to exploit and oppress.


✨ use your business as a vehicle for good in the world.


✨ decolonize your relationship with money in a way that honors you and your ancestors.


✨ rest a whole lot.


✨ get in touch with your truest needs and desires.


✨ begin to associate feelings of joy, peace, excitement, and pleasure around de-centering money.


✨ commit to yourself and take a step back from using money and success as a way to bandage your internal wounds.


✨ move towards using money and success (your own version) as a way to make your life and the world a better, more enriching place for all.


This is the transformation of possibility within my sacred 1:1 coaching containers where I teach you that your financial potential is possible in every way and that you do not need to compromise your spirit in the process.


If this is the year you want to transform your relationship with money and cultivating spiritual wealth is what you desire, my 1:1 Wealth Expansion coaching container is open for enrollment for entrepreneurs.


you receive:


✨ 6 months of 1:1 wealth coaching

✨ a personalized unique wealth roadmap for your business and personal finances

✨ money rituals

✨ transformative shifts


I have 5 spots available and enrollment is open from now until May 31st.


In all transparency, after May I will be closing up my 1:1 containers for the remainder of the year through 2024. If you've been considering working together - now is the time.


Click here to learn more and save your spot.


p.s. if the 1:1 coaching containers are not something you're interested, however, you DO want to explore other ways to work with one another check out my resources page here. I have plenty of options and even a free resource to get you started on your financial journey. 


Stay Shiny,


