
Ooooof! I just realized that I haven't written a money love letter in over a month. I promise, I have good reasons. But, I have been missing this community and wanting to send my love to each and every one of you before we head into the ✨2022✨ year!

To be honest, I have been MIA because I have been resting at every down moment I have. The seasons always guide me to what I need. Summer and Winter are the seasons where I need to take it s l o w, pause, and reflect. Spring and Autumn are my seasons of BLOOM and harvest.

As I enter hibernation mode (yes, I am a bear) I wanted to pour my heart, soul, and reflections of this entire year into this love letter.

No financial advice this time.

Just, me.

The beginning of this year was definitely a trying one. I had what felt like the “dark night of the soul” and if I am being incredibly honest, I was afraid I wouldn't make it out. I mean, I was completely cracked open.

I was suffering. So many loved ones around me kept trying to fix it and make it better - relieve me of the pain I felt. I do love them for that….

But it wasn't what I needed. I needed to go through it.

The only way out is through, after all.

And going through it meant to just BE. Be where I am at. Be where I am.

No fixing, changing, or doing. Just being.

This was the greatest gift I received this year. Because even when I was “doing” it felt so organic and liberating. Starting My Gold Standard of course, took intention. It took showing up and taking action, even when I didn't “want” to.

I dug deep in those moments. Why were there times I didn't “want” to show up? Mostly, because I felt unworthy. (yes, I still have my own shadow shit to work with!) I knew that showing up meant being uncomfortable and to an extent, in the spotlight.

As a child, and even as an adult, this pattern showed up a lot.

Being in the spotlight was only an experience when I was humiliated and shamed.


I was in the spotlight because I was overachieving FOR someone else by being someone I was not.

Can you relate?

It hurts to meet your shadow and see these patters so clearly. It hurts because you know exactly what you need to do.

Sometimes what you need to do, is not what you want to do.

Read that again.

Each year, I choose a word. A word that represents everything that I am calling in.

For 2022, that word is expansion.

My Gold Standard is more than just a “financial literacy business”. It is a movement. An awakening. It is a revolution. Your revolution. Our revolution.

I am tired of being afraid to step into my power. Into my expansion.

I have beautiful, abundant, and expansive visions for myself. For this business.

And it's because I have beautiful, abundant, and expansive visions for YOU.

For us.

I think we must celebrate. I am celebrating you, being here.

The gratitude I have for you, reading this money love letter, is out of this world.

Thank you.

With this last money love letter of the year, I want to share all the things that I am celebrating with My Gold Standard.

I created a video of all my reflections and celebrations that you can watch below!

I would love to hear from you and what YOU are celebrating. I'd also love to know your word of the year. Hit the reply button. I can't wait to hear from you.

If I don't hear from you, I am wishing you a lovely rest of the year. I know the world is filled with so much heaviness right now. Feel it all. The only way out is through.

And remember, there is always a light where there is darkness.

Until next year. 😘


My Gold Standard is in Google's Year In Search 2021 in collaboration with Pop Up Magazine!

A huge thank you to Jillian Anthony for such a lovely interview experience. Another thank you to Carlos Chavarría who made our photoshoot WAY too much fun and somehow got my awkwardness to fade away with our shared love for Star Wars and video games. Both of these humans are incredibly talented and I feel so honored to have shared space with them.

Check out the other 10 amazing people and businesses My Gold Standard is featured with by clicking the link below.


Wealth Is Sacred.


Diversify your income streams.